I shouldn't read the newspapers… I have said this before but I really really should not read the newspapers… it's going to give me a heart attack or an aneurysm or something one of these days. This morning I read that
"Dame" Mirren would have been embarrassed AND mortified to be British if the British [sic] football team had beaten the USA, what with the BP spill and all.
Why speak out about something you obviously know absolutely nothing about? It makes you look like an idiot - and I am embarrassed that a British person would go on American TV and make such an idiot of themselves.
First: BP might be called "British Petroleum", but it does not belong to Britain. It is a multinational company with shareholders around the globe including a large number of Americans. I vote we rename it to stop this confusion - then our politicians can pull their tongues out of Obama's backside and get back to messing up my country. We can call it World Petroleum. When one of their wells blows up again we can hunt down the share holders and line them up against the wall... or better still we can just shoot anyone with a gas guzzling vehicle.
Second: What the hell does football have to do with oil spills. Just because the Scots and the Welsh can't play for toffee doesn't mean the English side is now the British side.
Third: Running down your country to suck up to a foreign audience is sickening. You have lost all respect from me. I hope you get treated like the two faced idiot you are if you ever return to this Island.