
May 09, 2008 14:44

Last weekend was a nice long one... made longer still by the fact I wasn't at work on Friday either!

On Saturday I went into Elm Park on the hunt for digital weighing scales... and failed miserably. I did get some breakfast and some groceries, and popped into the 'rents for a cup of tea and a chat.

Due to my lack of decent scales the bread I made was... different. My scales don't accurately show ounces, let alone halves of ounces - so I am blaming them. I got some laundry done and the front room half tidy before I started playing Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War and its expansion packs. Needless to say I didn't get to bed until the early hours of the morning!

Sunday I met up with teya_uk to go to the cinema. We saw Fool's Gold which was funny escapism. We will have to go and see Iron Man when she gets back from holiday.

I was cunning (like a weasel) and got to Romford slightly early so I could have a look around Sainsburys for digital scales... and was successful! :)

This meant I could weight stuff properly and attempt to cook bread properly! Monday's bread was better... but not entirely good. The secret (it would seem) is in the ingredients. Margarine does not make a good substitute for butter.

Tuesday was a "normal" work day... DB4 or 5 depending if you work in London or the states! I had to get all my feeds in as I had Wednesday off... as British Gas where going to be checking my boiler. The appointment: between 12:00 and 19:00... so ample room for me to plan my day!!!

As it turns out - the Gas bloke was here a few minutes before 12 (He caught me while I was still in the shower!) so I had the rest of the day to myself... which meant a quick trip into Elm Park for some oven gloves (check) and a Wii Fit (sold out) ... which was a bit of a bummer.

weekend, film, bd4/5, food

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