May your life be interesting...

May 29, 2007 11:46

I haven't updated much recently because life has been too interesting.  Interesting in the ancient curse way.  I can't write about what has happened yet - I may never be able to; partly because it's not really my story to write and partly because it's still too painful to write about.

Life appears to be settling back to normal... if a little too slowly for my preferences.  All the main characters are well; physically if not mentally.

Things were certainly better last Friday.  S and I had a Pirates of the Caribbean day.  We watched the first two films on DVD then went to the cinema to see the third.  It's good - funny, witty, and very very piratey (in a Disney sense of course!)

Saturday the washing machine broke.... well - I noticed it was broke - I suspect it's been slowly breaking for a while now.  I will try and get Dad on the job this week or I'll have to wear my underwear inside out for a while... okay - I won't because that is quite disgusting.  The washing machine joins the upstairs toilet in the "need to fix" pile - I'm waiting for the 3rd thing.

Sunday I spent most of the day at the 'rents.  Sunday lunch was fantastic as usual.  Having run out of Battle Star Galactica episodes to watch Dad and I watched a couple of films.  He suggested Pirates of the Caribbean - but we ended up with Ocean's 11 and Snatch.  There's only so much Piratey goodness you can watch in a weekend!

The weather was particularly bad this weekend, so plans to commune with nature on the holiday Monday were thwarted.  Instead S and I stayed in and watched TV.  The joys of TV on demand!

In more personal news - I noticed my first grey pubic hairs this morning in the shower.  This has been somewhat inevitable - I think I spotted my first grey hair (on my head!) when I was about 12.  They appeared in my beard during my twenties.  This marks my final step into oldness.

weekend, film, s, tmi

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