
Mar 25, 2007 23:02

I've been neglecting my journal again.

Where to start? My last post was dated March 11... so I'll start with the week following that. The beginning of the week was spent in the Luxembourg office where not a great deal went to plan. I went there with my Guv and MA... and although almost nothing I needed to finish actually got finished they had a successful (ish) visit.

The rest of the week was busy... so busy I was in work before 9 everyday except Friday. This might not sound like a great achievement but I usually start around 10:00 so relatively that's early. I wasn't home much before 11 most nights.

Friday was Bilquis's last day in Finance... so when I finally left work I joined the usual suspects in the Rack. I passed on the late night trip to Bar Bollywood which would have put me out of commission for most of Saturday.

Saturday S came over and we watch the first half of season one of "Prison Break" - which was surprisingly addictive and I now *need* to know how it all ends... The next half will be seen in the next two weeks :)

S having lost a bet had to make lunch and did a baked chicken and rice dish that was made all the better by my rice... or maybe not. She had to leave before the end of the DVD fest so I watched the last disc on my own.

Sunday was Mothers day so much time was spent at the 'rental unit's abode.

This last week has been possibly worse than any of the previous ones... but there were a few highs. Lux have started to use the new software with an enthusiasm I didn't give them credit for. This has meant they have found the bugs and other quirks of the system a lot faster than I had expected them too... so it's been a full time job putting in fixes for them.

I had a text message read out on the radio. Phill Jupitus played a really bad cover and asked for opinions. I thought I'd let him know it sounded like a bad karaoke job and just moments later he read it out... fair made my morning (and nearly caused me to burn a hole in the shirt I was ironing.

Wednesday I saw "Empire Island"... and it's definitely very David Lynch. It was S's choice so I think further choice privileges have been revoked for her!

I had a bad cold for the last part of the week - but still dragged my sorry ass into work - that is how busy I am. I want your sympathy damnit!

Yesterday I tried to watch all 6 Star Wars film in a single sitting with Jim... and failed miserably. We are definitely getting old. Jim fell asleep in the first film (it is a crap one) and I managed to sit through all three of the newer ones before falling asleep in the middle of episode IV. I blame my cold... it's nothing really to do with getting older!

After a hearty breakfast and more cups of greasy spoon tea than I care to mention I headed over to the 'rents for some lunch and a couple episodes of Battlestar Galactica. I've just put a load of laundry in and am planning on a quiet night of 6 music. Oh I'm a high flyer for sure.

film, s, should update more, old age, 15 minutes, work

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