Numb3rs Fic: Iridescence, 10/10 - Aurora Borealis (Larry, the team, PG) (All colors)

May 08, 2009 09:51

Title: Iridescence, 10/10 - Aurora Borealis
Word Count: 574.
Characters: Larry, Megan, Don, Charlie, Colby, David, Nikki, Liz, Ian, Robin.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Aurora Borealis is a miracle, the perfect metaphor.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs.
Betas: The fantastic twins_m0m.
Previous chapters: Find them here.
Color: All colors.

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Iridescence Series

Aurora Borealis

There are words of amazement. Just listening to the ones that surround him, the ones that are talking behind him, Larry feels their wisdom. They are the people he has learned to know through the years. They’ve taught him how to live, how to think, even how to love.

They have decided to stay in Charles’ house after their second dinner as a “family,” a determined structure of components linked by affection, caring and shared history.

There’s a phenomenon that explains such reunion - Aurora Borealis. Electrons, nitrogen, oxygen. Every particle affects the next in the darkness of the night. The beauty of the skies is daunting, and because of the company, it’s particularly inspiring tonight.

Larry can’t stop the ideas connecting inside his head. Even as the man of science he is, his internal dreamer is alive. Metaphors are the way he extrapolates what he sees from what he feels.

Don’s telling something to Charles - that their mother used to say the stars were the doors to Heaven. He lays his hand on his brother’s shoulder; it’s seems that after all the years of seeing each other as strangers, they are finally in the stage of life in which every corner of their beings finds their right place on earth.

To the right, David is talking about his last experience at the Community Center. Beside him, Liz expresses her support, and encourages him to keep going. She states that everyone needs second changes. According to her, people can change, so David should follow his instincts and go for what he thinks is worth it.

A little to the left, Nikki is joking about Colby’s outfit. A dark brown-shirt isn’t the best choice to match his eyes, she says. Colby just laughs and tells her that he barely had time to wash his clothes; apparently, he’s stained all his good shirts. Of course, Nikki doesn’t believe him. But beside her, Ian is pouring red wine into cups, teasing her and smiling at the irony of the situation. From time to time, his eyes wander over the way the house trees follow the wind.

Beside the Koi pond, Robin is looking at the sky. Larry has noticed a certain melancholy in her eyes lately. He doesn’t know if the fluctuating colors are providing her answers, but the fact that she’s holding a violet book tightly is a sign of a relevant process happening within her.

A hand lies on Larry’s shoulder. It’s Megan’s warmth, Megan’s perfume. She’s agreed to come see him and share this moment. He finds peace in her and in the people who are there with him. This is his place, the one he’s supposed to be at right now.

Thoughtful, he looks up and enjoys the shades. This looks so much like the old Horatio phrase. Simply, Carpe Diem. Because time goes on and on and it’s its job to manage the evolution of every object and organism, including the human race. Time builds, destroys and rebuilds and decides on every matter. For example, on the fact that Larry and his friends converge into one point - this very moment, the one in which their souls connect.

Aurora Borealis is a miracle, the perfect metaphor for a life of adaptation, survival and unknown, final purpose. How it happens is pure physics… pure magic.

All the colors come together. They crash and mix and flow and change.

Just like everything - and everyone - else.

The End.

numb3rs fic, character: larry fleinhardt, genre: gen, series: iridescence

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