FIC: The Connections Series, Part 16/?, "95%" (Charlie/Colby, PG-13)

May 22, 2008 07:32

So after my last mid-term was over last night, I went to bed. And now I'm posting Part 16.

Is it wrong for me to say that I like this chapter a lot? I even made the video for it. My first video for this Series... But don't worry, there will be more videos made by the lovely  Read more... )

numb3rs fic, pairing: charlie/colby, genre: slash, series: the connections series

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Comments 19

byrons_brain May 22 2008, 17:08:50 UTC
Awww that was wonderful, I can't for more....


paranoid_woman May 22 2008, 17:12:58 UTC
You're so kind. Thank you very much for reading... I enjoyed writing this chapter so much, and I was a little afraid that it wouldn't fit the rest of the story...
Thank you...


harknessgirl May 22 2008, 18:28:34 UTC
WOW, go Charlie !! I am so glad Charlie has made a decision and it was the right one I have to say :-D As ever utterly brilliant.
Can't wait for the next part. Its a shame but I dont have any quirky comments at the moment. I will think of something.
By the way love the video, it was perfect and went beautifully along with the chapter. You will have to make more!!


paranoid_woman May 22 2008, 18:33:20 UTC
I'm sooo with you. Go, Charlie!! YAY!
Awww you're so nice to me, as always. Don't worry about the quirky comments, I'll be fine... ;)
Thanks for reading and watching the video. I'll try to make some more, but I don't have that much time. Thank god mid-terms are over, so I might have some minutes to make one or two more... *drools at the thought of it* Anyway, there will be more of Mia's videos to go with next chapters... I'm so happy that you liked this!


devon99 May 22 2008, 19:25:49 UTC
Oh Charlie, he's such a worrier.
Nice scene with Larry and yay!! for the ending,

Charlie has definitely made the right choice, after all you cant use math to decide on matters of the heart!

It did make me smile that he's just rang Colby to tell him that he's the most important person in his life right now, and Colbys invited him over to his apartment and he's all eager to show him the results of his probablity analysis!! How very romantic Charlie, he he......

Look forward to more.


paranoid_woman May 22 2008, 19:39:30 UTC
Well, you know that when Charlie's excited about his math, nothing can stop him... And now he has a rational basis to be with Colby! Hahahaha, Colby's going to be so overwhelmed...
We'll see that scene later on.
Thank you very, very much for your comment. :D


anonymous May 22 2008, 20:53:40 UTC
Oh, Charlie - you just can't live your life worrying about the prejudice of others. There is always someone who will hate what you choose. I'm glad that Larry finally got Charlie to see that he needs to live life based on what is important and special to him. Great chapter!
The California Supreme Court amazingly struck down the law banning same sex marriages, so as of next month, same sex marriages will now be legal (but only in California, not the U.S.). Of course, now the battle lines are drawn over trying to change to state constitution to block them again. Don't bigots have better things to do?

Twins' Mom


paranoid_woman May 22 2008, 22:14:26 UTC
Thank you for such informative review! :D
Charlie made up his mind, FINALLY. He had to do it, damn it, it's been too long since he started to get confused about everything! And I'm the one who says that... :S
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the information you've given me now allows me to write something I was really looking for... You already know what it is, don't you? Anyways, there's a long way to go for this two men until they get to that point.
Again, thank you for everything. I'm so happy that California laws changed!


anonymous May 22 2008, 22:40:59 UTC
Don't jump for joy about the law change just yet. In California, citizens can petition for a change in laws. If enough citizens sign the petition, then it is put on the ballot for the next available election. There is a petition going around to change the state constitution to define marriage as only between a man and a woman. Those opposed to same sex marriages are very close to qualifying the petition and putting it on November's ballot. So, this is still up in the air. In the meantime, same sex marriages will be legal.

By the way, I really liked your video. It really worked for this chapter.

Twins' Mom


paranoid_woman May 22 2008, 22:46:07 UTC
Oh, damn. But there's still hope, isn't it? *crosses her fingers*

Oh, and thank you about the video review. I'm glad you think it goes well with the chapter.


mia_dcwut_09 May 22 2008, 21:40:54 UTC
wow I loved this chapter
go david sticking up for your best friend
the ending was so great
finally charlie finally
very nice work on the video


paranoid_woman May 22 2008, 22:11:25 UTC
It's very important for me to get your opinion on my video, because you're pretty much the expert in that area. :)
Thanks for reading. Yes, David was the best friend. We'll know what happened from Colby's POV in the next chapters.
CHARLIE IS SURE!! YAY! I know it's wrong for me to say that, because it's my own story, but at this point I really don't feel like I'm the author. The story has its own development, wether I like it or not. :D
I'm sending you an e-mail about the next chapters' songs tonight.


mia_dcwut_09 May 22 2008, 22:22:26 UTC
ok thats cool
i hope you did well in your exams
I know what you mean sometimes you just write and the story seems to write its self


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