Flashpoint Fic: Dreamer (Ed Lane, PG)

Apr 19, 2009 20:46

Title: Dreamer
Character: Ed Lane.
Word Count: 313.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: Seasons 1 and 2.
Summary: He's a man that fights for his beliefs, for honor, for justice. For peace.
Beta: The great lillyg, who introduced me to this wonderful TV show.
Disclaimer: I don't own Flashpoint.


Once he's wearing his suit, the real man comes out - the one Ed misses sometimes.

He has a wife to go back to. At the end of the day, he’s welcomed with affection by a little kid who can’t stop calling his name. He’s a husband and a father. A man that fights for his beliefs, for honor, for justice. For peace.

And yet he misses himself. Not the young, irresponsible guy he never was, but the dreamer he seemed to lose at some point. It’s a fact that he can’t remember when that happened, but he knows the cause very well.

The world is a hard place to live in, where everything can happen. There is killing, there is blood, and there is certainly a lot of work for someone like him.

But his team brings hope to his heart. Every time the boss starts negotiation or Lewis gets in the van, every time Spike talks about Babycakes or Wordy gives advice on less-lethal weapons, every time Jules claims she’s as good as everyone else or Sam tries to prove he’s not as impulsive as everyone thinks. Every time, Ed would trust them with his life, as they are his second family.

Today is a new day. With every new incident, Toronto becomes darker. But with his team, he will be all right. The new Ed Lane, the one the city and its people have shaped, has still a lot of the old dreamer under sniper mode. Even under the elegant suit.

He straightens his tie, arranges his earphone and checks the audio. “Be there in ten, boss,” he announces as he walks out the door.

He’s ready to fulfill his duty, even if his idea of it is slightly different from the one he’s been told. He repeats the words inside his head.

To Serve. To Connect. To survive.

To protect.

The End.

flashpoint fic, genre: gen, character: ed lane, flashpoint stand alone

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