Title: "Don't Look Back"
Series: In the Arms of the Wicked, Part 32/36
Characters: Don, Charlie/Colby, David, Megan/Larry, Liz, McGowan.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoilers: Season 5.
Warnings: None.
Summary: It's Don's time to go.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything (characters, situations, etcetera) except my OCs.
Beta: The fantastic
twins_m0m and the great
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Comments 5
Ah, Don... you got what you deserved. We'll see if you'll come back to the FBI. We'll see. *rubs palms*
Thanks for reading. Love you all,
- PW.
We'll see if Don comes back to the FBI
Of course he'll be back!!!
Won't he?
You are making me very nervous!!
Mmmm... I don't know. *evil grin*
Playing with the characters is one of the many amazing things about writing fic. Bwahahahahaha!!! *g*
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment!
Charlie is on a mission, yes! We'll find out what he's going to do tomorrow. *smiles widely*
Perfect icon for this situation, as usual! Thanks for being out there!
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