Title: "Last Curve"
Characters/pairings: Charlie/?
Word Count: 100.
Rating: R.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Ice travels the right curves.
Written for:
numb3rs100, Prompt #189 - Ice.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Numb3rs.
Beta: The fantastic
twins_m0m. Thanks, sweetie!
Last Curve
He glides the ice cube over his lover’s body.
It melts, because that’s how physics works.
Cold, it takes an unhurried journey, guided by the hand that applies the extra warm.
Yet the body that lies underneath him burns with desire.
He sees that chest rise and fall, that throat swallow as the tiny, last piece of ice ascends the last curve.
Lips parted, his lover’s breaths quicken, eager to taste coldness against his tongue.
So he complies. The reminant of ice rubs against that jaw, and slowly, very slowly, Charlie’s cold, wet fingers slide into that hot, sinful mouth.
The End.