Title: "Memories of the Dead"
Series: In the Arms of the Wicked, Part 23/?
Characters: Ian/OMC, Don, OCs.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Who is the woman Ian can't stop thinking about?
Disclaimer: I don't own anything (characters, situations, etcetera) except my OCs.
Beta: The wonderful
fredbassett, the fantastic
twins_m0m and the
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Comments 17
I really like this chapter because we find out a lot about Ian and Dr. Farrow. Now we know who Marah and Louis Terrence were.
Ah, I always have a great time writing these two. I hope this was a good chapter for you to read.
Thanks so much for being out there,
- PW.
the ending *flails* love it
cant wait for more
When I wrote the ending, I had a big smile on my face. Glad it made you smile, too!
Love you, and thanks for reading! ♥
Now we just need to wait for the id!!
Look forward to more:)
Oh, when I get to make that video and it comes out... I think the world's going to explode. *g*
More soon! The next chapter is really, really, really important. Thanks for reading! You're the best.
God you're killing me with the sexual tension (although I have a feeling the end result will be totally worth it ;) )
But if I manage to do things right, then I think it's going to be good. Just give me a little time to finish this story and get my hands on the next one. Actually, I'll have two - one about Don, Charlie/Colby and the team and the other about Ian/Farrow. Does that sound good? *keeps hiding just in case*
*dashes back*
Two more stories? OMG YAY. And one about Ian/Farrow? *SQUEEEE!*
Ian cooling down. Bloody hell that was hot. If only I was that towel LOL.
Thanks, hon!
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