Title: "The Perfect Coverage"
Series: In the Arms of the Wicked, Part 6/?
Characters: Ian/OMC, Don, Charlie, Carl McGowan.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoilers: Season 5.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Ian discovers a couple of things about Dr. Farrow while visiting his house.
Feedback: C'mon, a penny for your thoughts. *g*
Disclaimer: I don't own anything (
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That's the point exactly. I'm not very much into OCs who are too likable, I prefer them to create a little controversy.
And getting into Ian's head is fun, but he hasn't really made up his mind about the guy. :)
Maybe Ian is slightly warming to him? After getting a little glimpse into his private life?
Not yet, but they will be sharing a lot of time together in the future, trust me. You see what I mean as I keep posting chapters. ;)
rescheduling for what reason? Its not going to go well is it?
Oh, no. *evil laugh* But that will bring some (hopefully) good, tense drama.
And Colby - Charlie and Colby really need to talk!!
They'll talk again in chapter 8. I wasn't expecting them to do that the way it turned out to be, but... they talk to me, so let them do things their way.
It seems an awful long break!! Do you have plans until you go back to college?
The break is definitely too long. And I don't have plans until March, not really. I'm not going on vacation or anything, so... I'm trying to have fun with the things I can actually do.
I'm glad you liked the chapter, I seriously love it. Maybe it's the horses, LOL. *hugs you tight*
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