Drabble Series
Tragedy Chain Bridge to the 7 Deadly Sins The Last Trial (7 Deadly Sins) Closure of a Lifetime Fascination (Charlie/Ian, PG-13)
American Hero (Colby, R)
Of Brown Sugar and Purple Silk (Ian/Nikki, R)
The Art of Silence (Ian/Don, PG-13)
Midnight Snack (Don, Alan, Charlie/Colby, PG-13)
Reversed Erotica (Charlie/Amita, NC-17)
Beneath the Surface (Ian, R)
Prisons of the Mind (Buck Winters, Oswald Kittner, PG-13)
Brownie Harassment (Colby, Susan Stone, OCs, PG-13)
One Olive (Nikki/Liz, R)
Wisdom Revealed (Don/Robin, OMC, mention of Don/Nikki Davis, Don/Leah Wexford and Don/Kim Hall, mention of Alan and Charlie, PG-13)
Justice in the Storm (Charlie/Ian, R)
Stand alones
What really matters (Colby, PG)
Raise the Bet (Charlie/Amita, R)
Violent Queen (Colby, R)
Last Curve (Charlie/?, R)
Crime Playground (Liz, Cam, PG-13)
No Game Over (Oswald Kittner, PG)
Greedy (David/Liz, R)
Behind the Door (Ian, Buck Winters, Don, PG-13)
Love Bless the Sinner (Liz/David, PG-13)
New Surface (Charlie/?, slash, R)