Title: "Holding on to a lie"
Series: Holding on to a lie, Part 19
Characters: Ian, Charlie/Colby, Amita, Don, Megan, Liz, OMC.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Ian shares some data, while Amita tries to make a fantasy come true.
Feedback: I love feedback. Every comment is a cup of coffee that keeps me posting. :)
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Comments 25
I just think it's so sick - and I love it!
So Ian Edgerton didn't see it coming. You know, he really doesn't know Amita, so even if it was weird to see her at the shooting range, he never suspected she was going to kidnap Charlie and Colby at Don's house. Plus, he still doesn't know the truth about Charlie and Colby being together. He still doesn't know about a lot of stuff, actually.
Now, don't tell me that hearing Ian saying, "She asked me what I thought about cookies" isn't weird. I love that. :D
I thought that Bob Berenson should respond for at least a little bit of what he did - he never helped Amita, after all! Still, he's telling the truth - he never forced her to do anything she didn't want to do. *nods*
Now he and Liz will have to face crazy!Amita making cookies, LOL!
Well, let's see how this chapter goes. I had my fun writing it.
*big hugs*
- PW.
Did you happen to see the season premier this past Friday? I missed it and Direct TV can't install, because they need something from my landlord, who I still have to call by the way. They need to do a blind drill, because I am keeping Time Warner for my phone and internet.
Plus, I can't get my damn nose to clear up and stop being stuffy! *slams head again*
Hahahaha, yeah, now I really want to finish this story this month, which means I should update this series more frequently from now on. *grins*
Yep, you need to work on the next chapter of SSM! *nods*
It was nicely written and Amita making cookies? I would never eat those! LOL I just can't stand her!
LOL, and yet here you are, in chapter 19 of a series that is pretty much all about her. *evil laughter*
Did you happen to see the season premier this past Friday?
I finally did, a couple of hours ago! *dances* I still need to publish my reactions...
Awww... hon, missing the episode sucks. I really hope you can get to watch it soon.
Plus, I can't get my damn nose to clear up and stop being stuffy! *slams head again*
Oh, sweetie! *hugs you tightly*
Thank you for the great comment, sweetie! Thanks for being there for me. *g*
Hehehehe, that was the point!!! *rubs palms* And if you liked the chills, you can be sure you'll get a lot more!!
I think there will be 6 or 7 or 8 more chapters, which means tension should be even higher as we get to the end. :D
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! And of course, thanks for your kind words. Feedback is ♥. *hugs*
I <3 commenting, and you deserve it for writing such wonderful chapters!
I love commenting, and you deserve it for writing such wonderful chapters!
Do you like cookies?
Today's conductor on the Crazy Train will be Amita! And I though that she was coo-coo for coco-puffs before! Holy!
You constantly surprise me with the places that you have taken this story!
I'm not gonna lie....I'd forgotten that you were bringing in the big guns for this one! And when I saw Ian's name in the list of character's I actually squeeled! Like, out loud! And joyously clapped my hands! Lucky for me I live alone! (other wise I might be given a ticket for the aforementioned train!) Honestly, I was so happy about that that I almost couldn't read this chapter, I was going to wait until I had calmed down slightly. (Turns out I'm an instant gratification kind of person.) Please tell me that you're going to let him stay and play for a while??? Oh! and also!?!? How much did I love the thing with Ian, Don and Berenson?? Classic Ian Edgerton moment! To the point where I feel that it should be in an episode!
As always, GREAT chapter! Can't wait for more!
P.S. David's gonna deal ( ... )
Oh, yeah... *nods*
You constantly surprise me with the places that you have taken this story!
LOL, well, that's probably because my writing is crazy! *g*
And when I saw Ian's name in the list of character's I actually squeeled! Like, out loud! And joyously clapped my hands!
Hahahahahahaha!!! *falls off chair laughing*
Honestly, I was so happy about that that I almost couldn't read this chapter, I was going to wait until I had calmed down slightly.
Wow! :D
Please tell me that you're going to let him stay and play for a while???
I can proudly say that he's staying for a long time, in this series and the next one. *nods* There, you got a spoiler, LOL.
How much did I love the thing with Ian, Don and Berenson?? Classic Ian Edgerton moment! To the point where I feel that it should be in an episode!
Yay, that's exactly what I wanted! *g*
P.S. David's gonna deal with his stuff soon right?? I worry that along with me and Amita, he's commin' aboard the train!Oh, yeah ( ... )
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