Title: American hero, Part 5
Characters: Colby, OFC, various OMCs.
Word Count: 300.
Genre: GEN.
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: One day, Colby realized he wouldn't have to wait for Mr. Granger to come home anymore.
Written for:
savecolby 's September Challenge (Colby's birthday) and
numb3rs100, prompt #42 - Words.
Beta: The adorable
Disclaimer: I don't own Numb3rs or anything related to it.
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American hero
Part 5
Over the years, Colby had learned not to wait for his father to come home for his birthday. After all, Colby couldn’t remember the last moment where both his parents had been present.
But today, he had sent a message, saying he’d come. He’d knock on the door, walk around the streets of the little town, have a real meal with his family.
He’d talk for hours with his son. Colby wouldn’t ask him what he had been doing, since he knew his father didn’t like it. Colby would focus on restoring the bond he sometimes felt disappear because of the distance.
So when someone knocked on the door, Colby ran to open it.
It wasn’t his dad; it was a soldier, and he carried a letter.
As Colby locked eyes with the young military man, he could hear his mother’s footsteps behind him. He could also hear her sigh; he watched her fingers reach for the letter.
He grabbed it from the soldier’s hands first, and as he heard his mother yell, “Colby, no!” he ran away.
A minute later, he stopped at an empty field. He opened the letter with trembling hands and after reading the first words, there was nothing left to be said.
He hated them. He hated the people who had taken his father away from him.
Colby didn’t run away again when he realized that his mother had followed him and was now hugging him as tears fell down her face.
How many kids had lost their dads? Colby had no idea. But he did know that he didn’t want anyone else to go through that experience.
So almost ten years later, there he was, putting on the US Army uniform and hoping to be able to fight evil as much as he could.