Title: "Hiding the problem"
Series: Holding on to a lie, Part 6/?
Characters: Colby/Charlie, David, Amita.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Colby sees secrets everywhere, and feels that he can't help the ones he loves.
Author's note: This is set after "
The Connections Series" and "
Not thinking about you."
Feedback: I love
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Comments 21
I just love it that Colby is a good friend, and I don't know why, but I can really see David in that state after what happened to him. That's weird, considering that we don't get much David time in the actual series. :)
And Charlie is still so innocent. He believes Amita, but can we blame him? She's still the little, sweet victim, he doesn't know what she has become. Plus, he used to love her, so I don't really think that he's going to realize what she's doing until it's too late. *shakes head*
Ok, I'll stop with the rambling. I'll be waiting for your thoughts.
Hugs and dirty fantasies for those who want them,
- PW.
Thank you for pointing that out, I was pretty sure someone was going to do it, and it's great to have a opportunity to make it clear. *thanks you*
Thank you for the lovely comment and I'm glad you liked the chapter! :D
Take care!
You are sneaky :-D(I read the comment by Charlieeppes and your reply)
This was great, Colby and Charlie are so made for each other and you showed this beautifully :-D
I am sure David will tel Colby soon what happened but I am not surprised he has not tolf any one yet, I think I would have drank 12 bottles of Vodka after what happened to him. poor guy.
See there is another reason to torture Amita with the sex toys and cannibalistic Egyptians. LOL.
Talk to you soon sweetie :-P
David is having a very hard time. But he will react, eventually. I can promise you that.
LOL Sex toys and cannibalistic Egyptians... Hahahaha. But strangely enough, it makes sense to me. *headdesk*
Talk to you soon! I'm glad you liked this! :D
Its funny, but on the show, I just see Colby as a slightly periphiral character that I can take or leave either way, (Im a real Charlie girl) but here in your fic - I adore him. Damn you Amita for upsetting him!!!
Look forward to the next chapter, although im slightly worried about whats going to happen next !!
To me, there are lots of things we can do with Colby. And if we add Charlie, well... there are MORE things!! *g*
Amita's evil. But we only have seen like 10% of what she's capable of. And because of that, you should be worried... *nods*
Thank you for the huge compliments, I'm glad I could give you some reason to start to love Colby. That happened to me, too! *hugs*
He he ...naughty...Im sure we can ALL think of lots of things we can do with Colby!!!
Sends *hugs* back
*hugs back*
so sweet
I totally agree with your author speaking comment
can't wait for more
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Take care!! Mmwah! *huge hugs*
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