Title: "To be in control" - Part 3/5
Characters: Colby.
Rating: R.
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Colby remembers that he needs to buy some new clothes. ;)
Author's note: This was written for the "All About Colby" challenge at
Feedback: I love feedback. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one, it's been hunting me for ages. *g*
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I know that some of you must have thought, "Hey, Candi said NO ROMANTIC PAIRINGS. Why is this woman talking about a "she," about Colby's friend?" But hey, she was his motorbike, so it's allowed that he's named her. It's still GEN! *looks around innocently* :D
I confess that writing the part in which he changes his clothes wasn't easy, because I was trying not to make it boring, keep it sexy and keep it being from Colby's POV, all at the same time. It was a challenge, but I did it. Let's hope it works. :)
There are 2 chapters left. We're near the end and I'm already missing this series. *sniff*
I don't know why I always get this emotional when I write Colby or when Candi opens a new challenge. But I'm going to deal with it, and I'm going to do it well. *nods*
Thank you for reading and reviewing in advance,
- PW.
Talk to you later, hon! I really want to hear your opinion on this! :)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for letting me know what you think! *hugs*
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