Title: "Closure of a lifetime" - Part 1/3.
Characters: Ian, Robin, OMC.
Word Count: 300.
Genre: AU.
Rating: R.
Warnings: Character death (this time forever).
Spoilers: None.
Author's note: Set after the
"The last trial" (7 Deadly Sins Series).
Summary: Ian takes care of Robin.
Written for:
numb3rs100, prompt #134 - Judge.
Beta: The lovely
Disclaimer: I don
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Comments 15
I like the prosecutor. I've always liked him, but now I like him even better. :D
And I so LOVE writing about Ian. Yeah, I'll do an entire series with a lot of Edgerton in the future, it won't be with drabbles but with long fics... So you'll have to stand me. Sorry about that. :P
So Ian's fate has been decided. He's probably going to work as a Judge for The Man. I think that's good. He's always been very cold about his duties, so he'd be wonderful for the job. I love his confidence, and the way he looks at the criminal right in the eye, making them tremble. That's amazing.
Thank you for listening to my endless rambling,
- PW.
I was never too keen on Robin, lol.
I love it when people enjoy my writing for a while. Thank you for reading and commenting! *hugs*
Not too keen on Robin , so not too bothered that you killed sent her to hell.
Cant wait for more of the hunky guy with the sniper rifle LOL.
Talk to you later xx
I knew you would be happy. She's kind of like Amita, most of us don't like her.
Thank you for the lovely comment! Talk to you later! *hugs*
But... whatabout the rest of the people? Will they all go to heaven or... does Robin's sentence still stands?! (don't answer that... I already know the answer)
Thanks for creating some suspense here!! *giggles again*
Thank you for your help and for the comment! ♥
I'm glad you liked it, thank you so much for the comment, hon! *hugs*
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