Title: "The last trial," 6/7.
Characters: Larry, Robin, OMC, ???, Charlie, Don, Colby, Amita, Alan.
Word Count: 300.
Genre: AU.
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Mention of several characters death.
Spoilers: None.
Author's note: Set after the "Tragedy Chain" drabble series and the Bridge to the 7 Deadly Sins Series, which you can find on my masterlist.
Summary: There is one last trial before the end of things as you know them.
Written for:
numb3rs100, prompt Sloth (7 Deadly Sins).
Beta: The lovely
toomuchfandom .
Disclaimer: I don't own Numb3rs or anything related to it.
Previous chapter:
Part 5/7 (Charlie, Robin, OMC, everybody else, PG-13)Next chapter:
Part 7/7 (Ian, Robin, OMC, everybody else, PG-13)
“I’m actually curious to know what you’re going to accuse me of,” Larry stated with irony, while Charlie covered his own face in desperation, after seating beside his father.
“Sloth,” the prosecutor simply said.
“Well, what arguments do you have? The Deadly Sin of Sloth is usually related to the fact that someone denies the path that’s been already marked for him or her. I’ve always followed what I thought I was born to do, what I thought it was my destiny.”
“Yes, you were born to work on science. But you spent months in that monastery, didn’t you?”
How did the man always find a way to raise a terrible charge over the defendants?
“You denied your call. After years of research, years of doing the right thing, you stopped and went to… think. Just think. Do you know that during that time, you were destined to make one of the most relevant discoveries in human history?”
Larry’s mouth hanged open, and when he tried to ask what that discovery was, the prosecutor said, “No. You’ll never know what it is.” Desperate, the physicist covered his face with his palms. He had lost a wonderful opportunity. After the Eppes family’s deaths, everyone had lost control over their lives, including him. He had shot himself and now he was also going to Hell.
And he could hear Charlie cry because of Don going there, too.
The prosecutor rubbed his palms; there was no salvation for Larry. Slowly, Robin took the gavel and opened her mouth to speak up her decision. “The Judge finds the defendant to be…”
But the doors of the room suddenly went open.
“Not so fast, Your Honor,” a deep voice said. Ian Edgerton had just interrupted the verdict and was now confidently stepping into the courtroom.