Title: "The last trial," 2/7.
Characters: Amita, Robin, OMC, Charlie, Larry, Don, Colby, Alan.
Word Count: 300.
Genre: AU.
Rating: NC-17.
Warnings: Dub-con + Mention of several characters death.
Spoilers: None.
Author's note: Set after the "Tragedy Chain" drabble series and the Bridge to the 7 Deadly Sins Series, which you can find on my
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Comments 14
Torturing Amita like this is FUN!
She's shameless. Using those toys thinking of Don. And she wondered why Robin would send her to Hell. *laughs hysterically*
Oh, I think this is one of my favorite chapters. Yeah... it definitely is. *g*
(I bet Don is wondering why he didn't get such fun punishment - NOT! LOL)
Yeah... it was a fun punishment. Still, my favorite part is when Charlie is astonished at the news. *g* And of course, all the torturing with sex toys. *g*
I'm happy that you enjoyed this, I had a great time writing these series, especially this chapter. Thank you so much for your support, hon. :D
WOW that was so good, you may torture Amita some more.
Please send Colby to heaven he would look so good with a white wings and halo :-D
I've tortured her a lot in another series. I said I was going to stop... but I can't, not really!
You wanted Amita to be dead. Well, in this series she IS dead, and there's a bonus for making her suffer like this! IT'S SO MUCH FUN! :D
Again, I'm glad I could surprise you. I'm glad you enjoyed this, too! Thank you for reading and commenting.
This is so enjoyable!
This is fantastic!
I was so happy! I'm still happy! :D
Thank you so much for leaving a comment, hon. *g*
He he. Thank you for your lovely comment, Mia. Talk to you soon. *eg*
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