Title: Scars of the Heart
Word Count: 200.
Character: Ed, mention of Dr. Luria and Sophie.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: 1x01 - Scorpio.
Summary: Dr. Luria's words were always in his head.
Written for:
flashpoint_sru, weekend prompt: scars.
Disclaimer: I don't own Flashpoint.
Beta: The awesome
lillyg, but I changed a few things here before posting so all mistakes are mine.
Scars of the Heart
Her words were always there…
You’re not that guy. You’re not gonna wonder if you did the right thing…You’re not gonna have any sleepless nights, flashbacks, memory loss, time distortions. You’re not gonna feel alone, feel guilty, feel guilty about not feeling guilty… That’s what happens to other people. You’ll be fine.
Dr. Luria had been looking for a reaction when she’d said that. She knew what kind of person Ed was and how much his own mistakes hurt him. They were a heavy weight to carry around.
There were nights when he couldn’t sleep. Afternoons when he couldn’t focus. Mornings when his hands trembled, making him spill his coffee. Bloody images coming back. Sometimes his wife got so worried that she almost cried, afraid that the job would end up consuming the soul of the man she loved.
Ed knew that he shared those fears. They were in everything he did or thought about. Now that he was getting into the truck with a new situation to solve, he couldn’t get what he’d done out of his head. He was afraid of himself.
The scars of his heart were invisible, and there was no way to make them heal.
The End.