Title: It Began with a Tie, Part 20/30 - Wrong Time and Place
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Spike, mention of Sam/Jules.
Word Count: 500.
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Sam's plan doesn't turn out the way he wanted.
Written for:
flashpoint_sru, #14 Mistake.
Disclaimer: I don't own Flashpoint.
Beta: The awesome
Previous chapters:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 It Began with a Tie
Wrong Time and Place
Their lips touched and Sam felt like burning. Intuition had worked perfectly; this was what he wanted, this was what he should do…
For a moment, Spike stood very still, and the idea of deepening the kiss was too irresistible to ignore it. Reaching for the back of the other man’s head and pulling him closer, Sam enjoyed the feeling of Spike’s breath and his sudden, warm nearness. Strangely, he felt Spike struggle and let him retreat. He obviously didn’t want to continue with this.
Sam took a deep breath. “Damn,” he whispered, realizing the big mistake he’d made. Spike was opening the door and going out in an agitated escape. “Spike, wai…”
“Don’t,” Spike cut him off, not once looking back and walking fast towards the stairs. He didn’t even glance at the elevators that were only a few steps away.
It was over.
All of a sudden Sam got the urge to punch the door when Spike finally disappeared, but it only reminded him of the moment he’d hit the tree outside his parents’ house. His father had been right - there was much more than innocent friendship between Sam and Spike, even if it was unrequited attraction. He liked Spike very much and now he’d lost his friendship for a stupid, rushed impulse.
Feeling his heart accelerate, Sam closed the door and rested his back on it. He observed his empty apartment, the two lonely beers on the coffee table and he could even smell the smell of pasta still around somehow. Spike had done so much for him. He’d showed him a different way to see life. A new way to make friends. A new way to connect. And what had Sam done? He’d gone and pushed him to do something he didn’t want to reciprocate.
Hating himself, Sam his body fall onto the couch. He thought about getting drunk to forget, but his brain was overloaded and his body didn’t want to respond. He spent the rest of the night there like a lifeless being. He hadn’t felt like that since he and Jules had broken up. But even then, she’d been the one to make the decision for the two of them.
Now it was his fault and there was no way to turn back time. He wouldn’t be able to fix it. In fact, how could he look at Spike the next day? With what face could he tell him, “I’m sorry”? Especially considering that deep down inside, Sam really wasn’t.
He caressed his mouth slowly, remembering his horrible decision and noticing that he wouldn’t mind kissing Spike again if he could. Slowly, he drowned in his old, little, harmless fantasies and fell asleep.
The next morning welcomed him with a clear blue sky and an energizing sun. When he looked at himself in the mirror, he was a complete disaster - stubble, terrible hair and lousy clothes - but he didn’t care. The new day had brought up a new idea to carry out.
Title: It Began with a Tie, Part 21/30 - Men, Women, Nonsense
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Spike.
Word Count: 500.
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Spike spends the night thinking about the kiss.
Written for:
flashpoint_sru, #10 Fantasy.
Disclaimer: I don't own Flashpoint.
Beta: The awesome
Previous chapters:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 It Began with a Tie
Men, Women, Nonsense
The fresh air didn’t manage to calm Spike down on the way home. He was upset and agitated by the time he arrived, and when he coldly greeted his mother, he could tell she was worried. The only thing he could do was avoiding his questions and locking himself in his room for the rest of the night.
Once he was alone, door closed and keeping him apart from the world, he threw his bag onto a corner, annoyed and tired. He quickly discarded his clothes, put an old t-shirt and some shorts on and lay on his bed.
Staring at the ceiling, he wondered what the hell had happened that night. Women, women, women. Spike had always preferred them; he’d lived his life thinking of a beautiful, smart girlfriend that would eventually replace Babycakes as the perfect companion. But “Wasn’t Babycakes your one and only partner?” his mother had said, and with that she’d brought lots of possibilities to her son’s confused mind.
Adding Sam to the idea of a potentially intense love life was weird. Hell, just thinking that Spike could attract another guy was something crazy and out of his world. Was Sam having fantasies about him? If so, Spike didn’t want to even think about their content. Every time a scene came to his head, he forced himself to wake up from it and say out loud, “No, no, this is ridiculous, it makes no sense at all.”
But every time he heard his own voice, his heart beats got faster and faster and he felt he was starting to sweat. He cursed Sam for that as he tried to manage the many emotions and sensations that were at war inside of him. Still, he didn’t miss the strange, pleasurable shiver that ran down his spine.
It was a long night in the darkness, only illuminated by a distant lamp in the room, trying to figure out a solution for a friendship that had started and apparently ended in only two days. Seventy-two hours ago, Spike had assumed Sam was another pal in the team and nothing more; twenty-four hours later, he was inviting him to his brother’s house; one more day and they were hanging out at Sam’s place…
Sam had kissed him. Damn.
Spike ran his palms over his face, trying to erase the feeling of Sam’s lips against his. He punched the pillow a couple of times and tried to tell himself things would be different tomorrow.
Time passed by… He only got to sleep for an hour and when he woke up the next day, between sweaty and messy sheets, he still didn’t know how he felt about the kiss or how he should have reacted when it’d happened. The only thing he knew was that he certainly needed more time to think and that it’d be hard to do it with Sam around. Especially if he hadn’t given up his fantasies yet.
Or if Spike had started to have some himself.