Oct 19, 2008 02:24
Originally posted February 26, 2008:
By Summer -- Primary Goals:
x Have a job somewhere
drug mart
x Maintain a GPA of at least 3.5
x Have an external HD, with maybe 100 gigs
250 GB
x Save up at least $1,000.00
x Sleep on an actual bed or something more supportive
sleep on a bed now
x Keep fit (keep in mind, endorphines = FREE) ward off depression like a garlic necklace to a vampire climbing only twice every three weeks, but still fit
x Get laid
x Get better at photography
Secondary Goals:
x Write a story of about 50 pages
x Part with about half of all my possessions
threw out 1/3, another 1/3 by nov.
x Read at least one book per month
finished chuck p. book & on the road in august, ishmael in september, reading the bell jar now & next is cormac mccarthy
x Be a passable guitarist
learning to sing and play
x Know how to dance like, really fucking well
x Have an iPod with a shit-ton of space
bought a new battery; still broken; it is the goddamn os.
x Own some clothes that fit
x Take more pictures
haven't posted them, but took about 100 in the last 2 weeks.
In the next two years:
x Attend a four-year school with a solid writing program and small student body. (perhaps local)
x Be in a relationship
x Have a car.
Less tangible:
x Be a damn good (read: better) writer.
x Feel more satisfied.
x Further develop friendships, don't let things get stale or stagnant.
x Keep your sanity in check.
WAH-OO. I'd love to keep rearranging this obsessively, but it's late and I still have to wake up early to write an essay detailing my thoughts on religion...
"Religion is like a retarded club people join so they don't get mad and scared."
What do you think?
11 out of 20...
bad, but better than I expected. more later