Feb 25, 2008 22:45
I'm sitting in my room writing articles for the Viking playing David Bowie as loud as I can and trying to keep my life from sinking below the waterline. Coinciding with this is my attempt to effectively nudge my writing style onto a different set of tracks; these creaky rails grow tiresome.
I'm also doing my best to ignore a long list of things I need to do, in an all-but-one-item-at-a-time sort of way. But I'm failing badly and sleeping poorly, lying up at night and slumping over in day, posting contrast sentences in a sing-song 3rd-grader way of writing that I'm fucking sick of ending a sentence with a preposition, too.
I realized today I need a list of goals. After I finish these articles I'll come back and do that. That would be a good idea.
Hey (hey,) hey. (Please come away)
Hey, (hey) hey, (just for the day) please come away. (Please)