'Mobiles, landlines, tin cans with bits of string - everything, absolutely everything!';

Apr 11, 2008 10:37

Right, I'm really getting pissed off now. The bloody Anime Expo has got NO GUESTS I WANT TO SEE. They're all from LOST or Batlle Star Galactica. Why can't we have Gareth-David Lloyd instead of him buggering off up to Birmingham or to America? I mean... it's London for fuck's sake. It's the capital of the city where he lives, and instead they send him all the way up to Birmingham and over the pond? Not saying I hate America/Birmingham. American people are lovely, and my dad comes from Birmingham, it's just that I'm utterly jealous, and I fear I may have to shoot someone in my anger. I know, it's such a stupid thing to get annoyed about, but I've been wanting to let my anger out about something for a long time, and now I have an oppurtunity. Finally- something to grimace and moan about...

I'm not even that excited about Expo- firstly... no guests I want to see. Not like last time with my dad going: 'Simon Pegg and Nick Frost will be doing a signing here at 2 o'clock today!' and then with all the rushing around then not being able to get tickets for the talk, then actually getting them and then getting them to sign my things and Si calling me 'love'... now I don't really know whether I want to go. And another thing. I really want to go dressed as Ianto or... someone from Torchwood instead of Zelos... because I've recently seen Torchwood, and haven't played ToS for ages. Fuck that, I want to make my own costume instead of already having it all to hand- and everyone else is going as 'Phoenix Wright Characters' -_____ OH FUN. Well, Sophie's not ACTUALLY cosplaying, and then I've got Claire who 'doesn't know...' then there's Vikki, Emily and Charlotte who are going as 'Shia, Umetsu and Misha' from Pita Ten. And then there's the other Emily and Maddy who are going as... 'Phoenix and Gum...shoe/the other lawyer bloke'. I FUCKING HATE PHOENIX WRIGHT- and now I've got two members of my Anime cosplay group going as two characters from it. And then I hear that Claire's bringing about 15 of her friends, and Emily's meeting 'BRIAN' there... who is her boyfriend... apparently. Thank fuck, it'll be me and Sophie again :) That's the only part I'm looking forward to, them buggering off and leaving me and Sophie alone. D< Sometimes my friends really get on my nerves, although I think I'm going to get on their nerves with: "WHY THE FUCKING HELL DIDN'T GARETH TURN UP TO THIS EXPO, HUH? HE'S TURNED UP TO LOADS MORE!!" and "HEY, ANYONE KNOW WHERE THE TORCHWOOD/DOCTOR WHO STALL IS? HOW ABOUT PRIMEVAL? ANYONE?!"

Wow. What fun.

Maybe I'm just low because I've got a mega amount of bloody TESTS when I go back to school next week. Right, so, I'm failing all my maths because we've complained about Mr Flood and his throwing of books across the room and his slamming of chairs backwards, and his shouting in my face because I asked him whether I had to do a retest, and the deputy head basically said (to our class... anyway) 'It's all your fault because you misbehave so much, and we're not going to do anything'. Right, so that's my maths and statistics GCSE up shit creek without a paddle... or a boat for that matter. And with History, if I don't get atleast an A now, I may aswell quit, because I got an A in the end of term I did a few weeks ago, and before that I've been getting Cs... and with RS, well... I don't really care about RS, it's only half a GCSE. Oh, and for English, I have Mr Crap Maths Teacher's wife, who started the whole 'Let's shout at Grace because APPARENTLY she talks all the time, even though all of her other teachers say that she doesn't talk enough'. So, there, I'm failing English- even though I'm meant to be a good writer... of some sorts (and Natalie- BETTER THAN DAVID TENNANT AND YOU KNOW IT- told me to make up an excuse so that we could meet up and write a DW/TW screenplay: 'Say you're failing at English!'.... but I am?! That's not really an excuse, it's the truth...) German... WHELL... German's just terrible anyway... so, it doesn't particularly matter... *shrugs* That's ALL my mocks failed (back to the taxes... 'What's your mother's maiden name..? WHAT'S HER FIRST NAME?!?! I JUST KNEW HER AS MA'! MA' THAT'LL HAVE TO DO- MA'... POSSIBLY DECEASED.) 
Anyway, rant over, now it's time to have a shower, get dressed and do some BLOODY MATHS REVISION... *sighs* Wow, today's not a very good day for me... or you, for that matter D:

I need to go do some Torchwood watching revision to cheer myself up :C

maths, gareth-david lloyd, test, exams, rant, depressed, low, english, pissed off, expo

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