'Because You're Breaking My Heart';

Apr 05, 2008 13:00


Yes. And RTD, you broke my heart, and no amount of Gareth-David Lloyd singing from my speakers will help me.

Well. Russel T Davies has officially ruined Torchwood- no question about that.

The beginning of the episode was amazing, as it always is. Splitting up, with Ianto and Tosh, the little nerdy team, Owen- being dead is superman- on his own, and Gwen- who is super-fucking-woman- on her own too. I loved all the aliens dotted around- although what the hell was up with the Grim Reapers sent to 'kill' Tosh and Ianto- they were like men in old fashioned hoodies. No match for Ianto and Tosh- too easy! I'd seen a little preview of when Jack tied up with Captain John teasing him, but I hadn't really clocked why he was chained up. But... God, I mean- blowing up bits of Cardiff. That was a bit OTT, wasn't it?

[A question: How come Ianto was the only one of the gang to fall over? Bless his heart :3]

I wondered what the hell had happened to Jack when John and he had zipped through space and time, and both my mum, my dad and I said 'He's on his home planet'. Well, no, more like Cardiff 27AD, with bloody Grey and his; 'I'll hug you, but stab you STRAIGHT afterwards'. Bastard, but I could see it coming. What I didn't see coming, was when Grey forced Jack into that hole and John buried him. I kinda felt sorry for John aswell- poor guy, with that bomb fused to his wrist.

And of course, Ianto and Tosh are with the nuclear reactor; 'Oh no, it's gonna blow!' Sounds familiar, although I don't know where from. Gwen being superwoman again, telling the police what to do.

Oh, bugger it, then the Weevils are let loose *rolls eyes* Haha, but Rhys and PC Andy are fighting them off with the door, aw they make such a good team really.

Owen. King of Weevils.

Owen can always save the day- he's superhero material. Ahh, and there's Gwen going back to the hub and- oh look, John! I seriously believed that Gwen was going to shoot him- thank God she didn't otherwise they would all have been dead. Oh goodness, Ianto really should've read Gwen's face- don't shoot the sem-bad guy. If you do, then it's the end of you! *shakes head* Some people!!

Oh Christ... they didn't just get locked in the cells... did they? Oh... they did *facepalm*

[Semi-break whilst we see some pretty pictures (courtesy of


Right, that's enough!]

Anyway, where was I?

...Skip to the end:

All in all, it was a brilliant ending. I mean not... BRILLIANT as in I thought everything turned out okay, but brilliant as in... emotional. You don't know how much I cried when Tosh was dying. With Jack's face, he was laughing and crying at the same time and it sent shivers up my spine. I think a little part of me died when Ianto was permenently logging Owen and Tosh off- you could see the pain in his face when he was doing that. I was quite surprised that he wasn't crying (or interviewed in the behind the scenes doc, for that matter D<) I was quite surprised that both of them went- although they're happy because they get to die together, instead of one being dead and the other alive). I was pretty certain that it would've been Ianto to go- however painful and heart rendering that would've been for me... and I'm wondering... would that have been better than losing Tosh and Owen? Perhaps...

I don't reckon that Owen and Tosh are going to be brought back into Torchwood, which means that they need new people. Either they'll get two new recruits... or Martha and Captain John will join- which will actually destroy the programme. I mean, they're okay- but I couldn't put up with another series of those two. Firstly, Martha would ruin it- she was alright in Doctor Who, but sorry and all that to any Freema-lovers, but was rubbish in Torchwood. No offence meant at all, she just couldn't hack the adult version. Captain John's great- but if he joined there would be a lot of: 'Oh, but I love you Jack, eyecandy doesn't!' and it would be aweful, that would be the entire hour!

So, that's the end of Torchwood for another year.

In the end, there were only three left. Let's hope they can make a go of it again next series.

torchwood, rtd, upset, review, 2x13, sad, death

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