Everything That I Do Reminds Me Of You;

Feb 29, 2008 19:12

I love that icon, it reminds me of that really horrible song- sex on the beach. They're neither having sex, or are on a beach, but I thought it fitted nicely (not my fault, the chavs were singing it yesterday on the coach).

Well, I'm not in the best mood ever. WhoBlackpool are now saying about the Connor figure:

Pre Order Due June

As you can tell, I'm not a happy bunny. I spent £18 on him, and now they're telling me that I have to pre-order him for fucking June. No. I'm not having that. You give me a figure or I'm going to fucking kill you all. I'm sick and tired of people corderning off the Connor figures- why aren't they avaliable? 
justtracy's got one, people on eBay who are ripping us off and selling them for £20 have got one. Why, the night I come to order him, do they say he's coming out in April/June. Why? Fuck knows...

Ugh. Damn that, who really cares? No one. No one gives a flying fuck, and why? Because no one wants Connor as much as I do. My mates think I'm nutty paying £18 for a figure. Dammit.

Anyway, yes, here's a nice picture of my hand:

Lol, Connor using my moles :3 
I was bored in maths... what?

OH NO. It's the end of the world. Mr Lang has now left us... we have Miss Hey for the rest of this school YEAR. I don't think I can deal with her for the rest of the year. Mrs Ivens, come back DDD: I don't want my work ridiculed and laughed at in front of the class anymore >C

Anyway, I'm kind of pissed off about all that, and the fact that there's no Primeval on tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to RP or write some fanfiction, eh? Which reminds me, I really need to stick up that Connor/Stephen fic I wrote...

P.S Hoorah for my new mood theme. I would show you all of it, but it's not COMPLETELY finished. Anyway, I'll finish it off and show you guys tomorrow <3

fanfic, action figure, connor, primeval, leaving, mr lang, rp, pissed off

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