[[Does It Matter That You Were Expecting A Woman?]]

Nov 18, 2007 15:43


I'm happy because I actually look like a woman now, instead of a bloke!

I had my hair shaped, the ends thinned a tad, and my parting was moved to the side. It was hilarious though, Sophie had left and so it was just me and her mum, Jo. We were walking along the high street going to me them when I suddenly said:

"Wow, this is like a Stephen Fry haircut!" What made me laugh the most is that Jo then turned around and said:

"Is that what they call it then?"

"Haha, no, well, you know Stephen Fry?"


"Well, I thought that my little side fringe looked a bit like his hair!"


Lol, not the best reaction!

D: OMFG, I wanna do a great random Tony/ Stephen pic!spam, so I shall D<

Party was great! There were so many chavvy songs that I knew ALL the words to >D That freaked out my 'goth' and 'emo' mates! They all hate me now *jumps* KERCHING!

MEGA PIC!SPAM AHOY and then an lj cut >D

 How adorable is that?! He looks about 15 bless him! CHRISTMAS CAROL TIME!!!                             

 Omfg, a "Trying not to laugh and look serious Tony picy" I LOVE THOSE ONES!

 I fell in love with Stephen because of 'The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive.... not to say I didn't love him before, but... D: He was extremely sweet in it but... *slaps him* NO SMOKEY D<

 ZOMG! That's my hair cut at the front D: I might just die!

 feagegnaeiogenaogeanpgea.... That's all I have to say of that certain picture. All else I can tell you is I think that I might need about 15 minutes alone with it DDDDDDD:

 And one more Tony, just for luck! <3 So gorgeous

  I had to stick this picture in here somewhere, I do love it so much. Cambridge Footlights Revenue :3 Mini!Tony and Mini!Stephen love <3 And that's where the magic of "Shoot Somebody Famous" came from D:

Well, well, well. What an EPISODE!!!

I do officially hate Robin Hood now. WHADDA WANKER SHOOTING TONEH WITH AN ARROW D< He's got a deathwish fer sure! I actually cannot WAIT for the Robin Hood Adventures mag to come out! LOTS OF OLDER!TONY LUFF FO' MEH! >D

I can't believe he died though... I got very bleary eyed after that. My mum came in and I was shouting "MAHAHA, YOUR DAD'S DEAD 'CAUSE TONY KILLED HIM... AND HE DIED SLOWLY, UNLIKE TONY!" She was rather frightened!

DDDDDD< I'm so glad he stabbed him though, that stupid old guy was really getting on my nerves, and it meant that Robin was all "OMFG, YER DAD'S DEAD!" and it was payback for killin' Tones. ALSO... whut really annoyed me is, even though Marian's s'posed to be all holier than thou but a prisoner, and her father is like some old tramp in the dungeon, and Tony was the priesty dude, they cared more about the old guy when he died than Tony D< Damn them, I'd be more like "Oh... it's the guy from the prison but... OMFG, THE PRIEST IS DEAD. HE DID SO WELL GETTING MONEY FOR THE SHERIFF OFF THAT KNIGHT DUDE FOR HIS WIFE!" D: Stupid knightey peoples, but what was funneh was when they all came 'round, one of them went to look at Tones and then drew back and his face was like "EW!"

Lol, bless 'em all!

pic!spam, tony slattery, new hair, love, stephen fry, robin hood

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