Last night i went to sara's at a quarter to 11 pm so we could chill at her house and eat ice cream and watch Bambi haha. Mel and Gerard joined us as well. G-rad knows the movie by heart! Some tough guy HE is, eh? haha
So later on i finally get to talk to the Sra to get the last two weeks off my chest and i slept over in the guest room on a couple of body pillows on a day bed thingy. I can sleep just about anywhere now.
Woke up early this morning and helped her mom make waffles. woot
Tonight was quite interesting. I get a call from jodi, giving me a minute's warning that she is about to kidnap me to take me to her house to meet her new guinea pig, which makes silly noises when you touch his bum. We then met Pat at the Onzon Thai house thing. Good food, bad service. No fried bananas! I made them come with me to visit Sam at quiznos. Then brian, nikki, mepham jess, jenn, and little paley show up and i'm like oh em gee, people i love!(well some of them anyway) Much hugging ensues. We parted ways shortly thereafter so they could go by the school to blaze up. Oh well.
Then we drove around aimlessly and ended up at the broadway mall for the bathroom, then went back out and found a little japanese place to get dessert. And we went to Utopia, hooray. I got a sweatshirt and red eye shadow
Then we went down to Jones Beach at 11 and layed on the sand and admired the stars. I was ecstatic to see a sky full of stars after having been deprived a single one for two weeks. As we were heading back to the car we realize that pat left his wallet. I couldnt make the whole walk all the way back because my legs and feet had been killing me all day so i waited on a bench alone for a while, feeling quite vulnerable. I honestly feel safer in the city. It's a lot less skeevy.
They came back without any luck and as we start going back towards the parking lot i saw a toad and caught it and set it free somewhere else. He was a cutie.
I'm mega tired now but since i'm retarded i probably wont go to sleep for another couple hours.