Aug 26, 2008 17:06
I thought it had been a waaay long time since I posted, but ten days isn't so very bad. I wouldn't actually have updated today, but our newspaper is missing. Mom says she knows we got one, because she saw it on top of my dad's car, so I'm wondering if he maybe forgot it like a casserole dish and drove away.
But yah. Work is getting soooo bad. I don't know how they're going to have anyone employed there because pretty much everyone is quitting or seriously considering it. They're making up a bunch of idiotic rules and... well, I could go on, but it would be long. And I would get all riled up, which I don't really need to do.
Wedding planning is stressing me out. I won't get into that, except to say that I have 115-ish days left, and, as with everything else, I'm procrastinating.
Oh, yeah, alhamdulillah, I have five new awesome baju kurungs! Yay! Speaking of awesomeness, one of my colleagues gave me some cherry Now & Laters, and they were aaaawesome.
How could I forget?! NPR had horrible news for me yesterday: Daddy Yankee has endorsed McCain! I'm reeling! I don't know what to think. I need, I need- candy!