Houston, Day 4

Mar 21, 2012 22:53

My second night, I crashed another private event. This time, at least it was with the convention I was with, but I wasn't supposed to be there. The food was nicer than the expo food, but they ran out fast. Again, free alcohol, and few people tipping. Amazing how much extra alcohol and better service $7 in tips will get you.

Last night was decent. Ate at a place called Pappas Bros, which, last time I checked was 'Uncle', but maybe the original proprietor wasn't quite that fancy. They couldn't make a drink to save their lives. Seriously, that was a crap bartender. Fortunately, it was on the company dime (Not sure why that's a phrase. I mean, a dime isn't much even in like 1920. Seriously, what would you get for a dime? Maybe a sandwich and coffee or something. Fucking companies. Give up a quarter at least.) So anyway, I talk the leader-type into ordering the cheese platter. It was fairly uninspired, just some standard gouda, mild cheddar, standard blue, and a pretty rich brie with those candied almonds they sell at whole foods and some pretty good thin toasted french bread. Oh, and a hunk of honeycomb, which was a nice touch. No one would touch it except me and another guy who likes good food.

The steaks were awesome. I had an 18oz Ribeye, medium rare, and it was *perfect*. Seriously, they know their steaks in Texas (At least, they do when you're paying $50 for it.). The mid-westerners sent theirs back for being 'underdone'. Because, you know, it still had some pink/flavor left to it. I think the cooks got the message because they brought back to the table a couple of hunks of grey shoe leather to make the MO people happy.

Today the conference was better. I was vindicated in a few ways and I plan on drilling the point home when I get back to the office.

The coworkers left right when we came back, so I finally felt free to do some exploring. There's a woodsy canal right by the hotel so I hopped the fence and went up and down it for a while. Not much life, saw coon prints, places where aramdillos dug and rabbit droppings. And a grey crane. No snakes or anything, but it was overcast. Managed to find my way to a parking garage and walked back to the hotel. Oh, and I also stopped and played with the Black Swans the place is named for. They had some babies out and I got close to them, and took their picture. See my facebook. Then the mama swan came up and I took her picture too, just before she pecked the shit out of my hand and I almost dropped my camera. Fucking swan.

I'd been hearing about this place called 'Galleria' where the front desk and bus drivers have been telling us to eat, said it was ritzy and had good places. I didn't realize it was a damn mall. I got there and started wandering around....and I saw the ice skating rink. And I remembered.

My Dad used to have a satellite sales office in Houston. We'd have to come here sometimes. He'd have me drive large chunks of the way when I was 14/15 years old. When we got here he'd leave me in the mall for 5-6 hours at a time. The Galleria. I hated it. Was always so very bored.

So, it's the same mall. Well, seems like it's bigger now. They have a 'Microsoft' store and an 'Apple' store. Kinda made me chuckle. Best thing though is they have a freaking Lego store! You can buy a 4' long Lego Super Star Destroyer for $400, and a Death Star for the same. I was gonna get an X-Wing Lego set for $60, then decided to check my bank account. Decided not to get the X-Wing :(

No strippers, either.

Went to The Oceanaire instead, a seafood place. Had a so-so old-fashioned, a good butterleaf lettuce salad with blue cheese and candied walnuts, and not-bad fish and chips.

I have pretty much decided if I ever needed to, I could survive by blending in with various conventions in a big city and eating their food and drinking their alcohol. Pretty sure I could get invited wherever. So, that's a life path I may pursue.
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