Oct 23, 2008 01:06
Wow. I just finished a book that might have changed me.
We had a lay over in Dallas a couple days ago on our way to Brazil... (yeah, I dunno why we had to fly back to the states to get here, either!) and I decided to make a quick run to Starbucks. While I was waiting on my Pumpkin Spice Latte to descend from the heavens, I walked around the little book shop that was connected to Starbucks. My ipod was dead and i knew i would be pulling my hair out on a 10 hour flight if i had nothing to do. I saw this book I'd been wanting to read called The Shack. Some of my friends have read it and said it ruled... these are good people with fairly good taste most of the time, so I decided to trust 'em and I bought the book. If the flight would have been an hour or so longer and I hadn't fallen asleep for most of it, I woulda finished that book before I walked off the plane. It was so good. I might even say life changing, but I haven't really lived THAT much so I'll have to tell you later if it really changed my whole life.
Before I go saying you should all buy it and read it... I should say that it is a book having much to do with Jesus Christ. I know that might not be appealing to everyone here but before you go writing it off I wanna explain a little more. The Shack is not what you'd expect of Christian literature. I don't think it should even be in that category. I am certainly a Christian. However, I am not one that waves the banner of religion or even feels the need to go around telling everyone what I believe even if it is just because I'm proud or excited. It is not a religious book... and if you are going to get into it be prepared to learn NOTHING of religion.
For me, this book has opened up a new way to look at my relationship with God. My faith has never had much of anything to do with any institution but it has always been about relationship. So when I really started getting into this book and realized what I was reading... I was so encouraged. I recommend it to anyone who does believe in Jesus and I definitely recommend it to people who put their faith in something or someone else. Hell, you might not believe in anything at all and I would still recommend it to you. Because it's filled with really beautiful pictures of love and grace and EVERYONE can use that.
I want to share a part of the book with you guys that really got to me. It might not have the same affect on you but... well, here it is:
"So why create the poisonous plants at all?" Mack queried, handing back the twig.
(Sarayu answers) "Your question presumes that poison is bad; that such creations have no purpose. Many of these so-called bad plants, like this one, contain incredible properties for healing or are necessary for some of the most magnificent wonders when combined with something else. Humans have a great capacity for declaring something good or evil, without truly knowing."
Well, I'm off. Hope everyone's doing well! See you guys tomorrow.
haley... hallie... hailey... haylee... hayley
the shack,