Mar 13, 2008 19:49

this is hayley. i haven't written in a while. how are you guys!?

i don't have long cause the shuttle to the hotel will be here in 20 minutes but i'm going to cram as much as possible into this little blog.

last night we hit the road. we ate arby's... they ran out of roast beef. it was weird cause that's pretty much the only thing that people go to arby's for. then i bought a $4 pack of peanut M&M's. (you know the HUGE packs? yeaah!). anyway, it's the first time we've been on an american bus since the RIOT! Tour in 2007. it's a totally different vibe and everyone seems really relaxed. i'm still hoarse from getting sick after the UK RIOT! Tour and i was definitely hoarse during the performance today. none of that mattered though, because we got to play MTV Spring Break. it was so much fun. i never expected our band to be able to play a "venue" like that. we were out on a big stage, which was painted all kinds of crazy colors, on the beach... tons of people just hanging out. dancing. a lot. loads of skin - including mine, which was definitely the most pale out of anyone's on the ENTIRE beach hahaha - and good times. some of the dudes even busted out their board shorts and cut off jeans. 'bout time! now, if we can just get warped tour to come a little sooner.

lots of stuff goin on. so much to talk about. we just shot the video for "That's What You Get" a little over a week and a half ago. we shot it with director, Marcos Siega (i really hope i spelled that right!) i'm so excited about it. i feel like it's just real. we got to be ourselves and just have fun with our friends. the best part? we shot it in NASHVILLE! home sweet home. i really just can't wait for people to see it. even if everyone in the world hated it at least they'll hate us for being us and not us pretending to be something we're not. (shout out to marcos, what up kid!? more gorilla biscuits, please. you rule.)

the other day i was hanging in downtown franklin and as i pulled up to parallel park (yes, i can do it) i noticed a girl wearing a paramore fan club shirt just walking down main street. i wasn't going to say anything but she called for me when i was getting out of my car, so i walked over to her and her family to say hey. they were taking a family vacation through Tennessee to see some relatives and Maggie (the PFC fan club girl) had asked her family if they could drive through franklin to see where we chill. i stayed and talked to them for a little while, tried to show em around without really showing them around. pointed them to the infamous pub i always talk about. bless that place. it was just really cool to see a fan club member in franklin, who wasn't from franklin. i posted a pic of it on .net in our mobile section.

in other news - my favorite record shop in franklin (there aren't any others besides the entertainment sections of big stores like best buy and wal mart) is closing down. maybe you've heard of Cat's Music? well, i shopped there from the time i was 13. the first record i ever bought there was Self's Subliminal Plastic Motives, or maybe it was Breakfast With Girls. either way, i shopped there for a long time and always could count on them to sell me the best records and give away tons of awesome bumper stickers. i'm really upset about it because it just makes me realize how much things are changing. i guess i could pretend it wasn't true for a while. but it's true. pretty soon, kids aren't gonna know what it's like to go and hang out in a record shop and pick up actual CD's. albums with artwork and credits and thank you's and lyrics and printed in the insert. vinyls are a little safer, i believe. they've become a collector's item. maybe CD's will become like that... doubtful? maybe not. i mean, i barely lived long enough to really see what a record shop was like. thank God for Amoeba. not that my words are gonna change the world and the way everything is done.... but please BUY RECORDS. keep it alive.

they close down on Tuesday. Cat's Music, you will be missed!!! Thanks for getting the guys and I into great music :)

well, i gotta go or i'm going to get left at this hotel. we head to Austin, TX tonight. SXSW! first time since 06 we'll play there. i'm so stoked. so much good music. talk soon!
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