[ log ]

Jan 31, 2010 00:01

Who: Eike Kusch [todefydestiny], Byakuran [cruoris_occisor], and OPEN.
What: A picnic.
Where: The mountain range.
When: A few days after this thread.

Hm? I wonder if someone carved these into the mountain. If they did, it really is something to be commended. Even if the subject matter is a little frightening.

[Eike was aware that he was talking to himself, but it seemed like he still could not find his journal. He usually wrote these sorts of thoughts down, and it seemed a little unfair to write them in the communicator that he had with him. Scratching the back of his head, he thought that it would be all right if he spoke just a little bit to himself. Wasn't it said that it is when a person answers that they should be worried. He laughed softly to himself.

The fog in the area was also interesting. It gave him a funny feeling. Not as bad as "the moon" that seemed to look as though it was upset. Can a single eye have that much expression? His head canted slightly to the left as he decided that it would be all right. It really did seem like a nice place to eat. Quiet and oddly peaceful. It was also the fact that he was quite hungry from having walked the entire way to the mountain. Maybe, he should have rented a car or gotten a donkey like the Prince had suggested.

It was not much longer that he was taking out the necessary items for his picnic from his pants. This also never troubled him that his pants could hold so many items without so much of the appearance as though it were able to do so. Wasn't this just how things worked? Regardless, everything was soon set out. The sandwich chewed on thoughtfully as he looked about at his surroundings in awe. He wondered how someone could carve something into the mountain in the first place. Certainly, he hoped the people were given praise for their work.


khr ; byakuran, at!character, action!log, guest!character, shadow of destiny ; eike kusch

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