Hi. I want to start afresh. Shave everything off and peel the layers into the trash. Lose my i.d and forget my pin number. Miss the bus and skip class. Visit
Lacuna and become nobody. Forget my name and my postal address. Empty my pockets and brain into the gutter. Empty my lungs into a gutter. Stop caring and learn how to feel again. Erase the records and file for a divorce with my past-self. Fuck the settlement, and fuck custody. I don't want anything. I want a blank slate, an empty head and an unsowed field. Tell the farmer to come back later, and plz leave the window open when you feed the birds before work. I wont jump out, I promise. I just want to throw everything that I regret out onto the sidewalk, so that others can learn from them instead. Cos I'm done with it all. I just want the reset button. Kthnkx.