RP with livesonlipgloss | AA

Oct 15, 2009 07:33

It wasn't a struggle for Andrew to go to this week's AA meeting like it had been with the couple he had been to in the previous weeks. The first two he had gone with accompanied by Ali had been at the old location near his old apartment. It was inconvenient and he had been wavering in his committment to them. The battle was far from over with him. Just about every day, he felt like he wanted a drink. Ali had gently suggested he try the group closer to their home now. A fresh location might do the trick. The only thing was, Andrew was in the tail end of his flu, but their poor baby girl was still plagued with it and Ali had to stay home with her. Andrew nearly did, too. But in the wake of his conversation online with Luke, he knew he had to go.

The meeting had just finished now, and although he thought he might have initially, he chose not to stand up and talk this time. It was a new group and at the end of the day, he was still more on the shy side than anything else, despite Ali more than managing to tug him out of his shell with her a lot since they met. He accepted a coffee in a styrofoam cup from the girl making them, and he smiled at her, moving away from the table but scrunching his nose up a little as he looked down into it. He wasn't a snob by any means, but he did prefer real coffee to instant. He was trying to make the effort to linger a little at the end of the meeting, though, because it was a new group. He didn't want to come off like he was bailing from them as soon as he could.

He covered his mouth as he got caught up in a small bout of coughing, the stupid virus wanting to linger in his chest and still make him feel a little on the crap side. He only just managed not to slop the hot coffee over his hand, and then he took a tentative sip of it to wet his throat, stuffing his other hand in his jacket pocket and stretching his shoulders a little as he glanced around the room.

[plot] committment, [rp] livesonlipgloss, [with] livesonlipgloss, [plot] love and loss

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