RP | With notskywalker & asinthecity

Jul 12, 2009 00:35

LINK to princeton2nyc: Andrew was numb. Initially, he had been cool, calm, and collected in the face of Ali's panic. It was like he instinctively just knew he had to be okay so she would know it was okay to be okay. He hadn't been wrong about the freak out later, though. He hadn't absorbed the information half as well as he thought he had, and it was only that morning Ali finally took the pregnancy test she had bought. That morning that they both sat on the edge of the bathtub staring at the white stick in Ali's hand with the stark declaration of PREGNANT on the little screen. Technology really had advanced with even pregnancy tests coming with a digital reading now. He had commented on that, too, not exactly sure where the thought had come from. That had just been easier to process than what it was actually saying. They stared at it for close to five minutes after that, the bathroom in silence. At least until Ali turned around and threw up rather impressively all over the bathtub. Andrew still wasn't sure where she kept it all in her slender figure. He was sure he hadn't thrown up that much collectively in his life, let alone in one go.

She was exhausted after that, so Andrew offered to take Jamie out so she could rest. It was probably a mistake in hindsight because he had a slight notion he wasn't absorbing much of anything. He was just going through the motions because he didn't know how he was supposed to react. It wasn't that he didn't want to have a baby with Ali, because he did. He just never expected it to be this soon. They weren't married yet, Jamie was still just shy of eight months old. He knew how much Ali had suffered with the pregnancy, with the birth, and in the months following from Post-Natal Depression. He was scared for her, and that was blocking any of his emotions towards the baby. Their baby.

[rp] asinthecity, [plot] committment, [rp] notskywalker, [with] notskywalker, [plot] maternal instinct, [comm] princeton2nyc, [ship] ali/andrew, [with] asinthecity

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