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Jan 15, 2009 19:02

Curled up, head next to the speakers listening to Ravel's String Quartet in F Major, waiting to see my wife in a couple of hours. How long they can feel.

I cannot defeat the Rubick's cube. For the life of me.

I am currently reading an art history textbook and The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf by Kathryn Davis. Really wishing the opera she described in it, The Harrowing of Lahloo was real.

I have been giving time to Ravel's string quartet trying to discern the links between the movements. I can follow the theme through the first movement and am yet to find much of it in the other three. Just finished a series of listenings to Beethoven's fifth piano concerto, the Emperor Concerto. It was okay, really felt symphonic. Bach's Concerto No.2 I think it was, in Dm, was the first that I really liked. Usually the concerto form, in the limited scope of my listening, was a bit corny to me. Also some Webern and Schoenberg to try and learn a thing or two on the more dissonant fellows out there. I apologize for the butchery that is bound to be in these music notes. I lack the proper vocab, that much is for sure.

I have found something pleasing in the making of pizza dough. Of building a rhythm in the arms while kneading, of placing the quarter turn in the dough, before each pushing movement of the arm, with a single finger. Of building the gluten, stacking, stretching, and feeling the dough shift textures.

Sitting in bed last night I felt the warmth rising from inside of the blankets; it made me think of the smell of bread.
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