Nov 07, 2008 23:45
Let us play a game called Decoding McCarthy:
Great cleavers and bonesaws hung overhead and truncate beeves in stark abbatoir by cambreled hams blueflocced with mold.
You may notice some words that, if typed, will reveal themselves with a small wavy or dotted line, depending on your software. This is Cormacism.
Apparently beeves is the plural form of beef, but, given the nature of McCarthy's writing and leaving me a bit tilted all through Suttree I find myself second guessing meanings all over the place. And honest to goodness, the plural form of beef?
Moving on you will find abbatoir, which is a misspelling(maybe this is to play into the idea that country folk speak contractions without the use of the ' so maybe they would, naturally mis-whatever a French word?)of abattoir, the French term for slaughterhouse. I would think he means to say merely a collection of slaughtered animals?
Cambreled you may know if you have spent some time in the smokehouse. A gambrel is the hock of an animal, though his meaning is more along the idea of gambrel stick which is the wood or metal implement used to hang up a slaughtered animal. I think this is usually done between the bone of the leg and the Achilles tendon.
Blueflocced pertains to the floccus which is Latin for the woolly mass of hairs that grows on certain fungus.
In summation:
Great cleavers and bonesaws hung overhead and many shortened beefs in stark slaughter by gambrel sticked hams covered in hairy blue mold.
Now, I'll admit it doesn't have nearly the same ring to it, as is wont to happen when you throw in a bunch of invented and/or misspelled words to cover up the fact that there is a pretty simple scene of a man passing through a marketplace.
Other favorite ditties have lead me to collecting them all on a sheet of paper for the Cormac McCarthy Word Club. The CMcCWC will flocculate here at my whimsy to percolate the meanings of such words that I stumble, trip, or cause emetic reactions(I too, can use the thesaurus).
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