Jun 22, 2010 19:44
These words are important to me, so I hope I say them right.
Hearing from the boy yesterday really made me understand what Adele must mean when she says So little to say, but so much time. My mind was so totally filled with road trips and whitewater rafting and bad movie night and good sushi and terrible drag shows and kennel building and new job training and a new kitty and guys in tutus! I found that I had pushed him out quite a while ago, and with every ounce of my being I could only muster a half-hearted "how have you been?" Even then there was no audience for his response. He managed to interject that he missed me. I said something along the lines of "that's too bad." Conversation over. A year ago I'd have expected it to be so much longer.
It's a paradox, really, that I should find myself so fascinated by my own indifference.