vendredi semedi dimanche lundi mardi mercedi who's to blame?

Mar 23, 2006 12:32

the lights were pretty and so were the paper stars, it was a quaint backdrop to the pinnacle, the climax of sorts we all anticipated [with mixed emotions] but never came. or maybe came and went by as quietly as a hiccup. the backdrop was appropriate somewhat.

who's side are you really on? someone asked.

monique broke a beer bottle to hug me goodbye.
hostel was boring i did not mind that the laughter of the bo ys i was with punctuated the movie and made us the object of several annoyed stares.

and over dry burgers and onion rings, i decided being regarded as an accessory to someone is most degrading.
tsotsi the anti-hero. fucked in the end.

locked myself in my room and cried so hard i could not stop until after fumbling at my gold elephant keychain and producing something small and blue and circular to calm me down. fell asleep to she wants revenge restraining myself from calling a number.

i can almost hear it now what's wrong? tell me. dammit nikita. who's to blame?
a friend and i sat in a coffee shop, air thick with smoke as she told me what high school was like for her. kissing girls and getting punished. we sat there till t h ey came.

pink and purple pitchers and tin pails and blue lights on silver ceilings. [blue lights on silver ceilings are pretty, someone agrees with me.]

punish us. we've been bad.
i feel sorry for her. he cared more about revenge than he did her
i forgot to feed the fish again.

kristine [the help] was watching naruto and marge looked up and asked which one is the antagonist? only in tagalog. kristine, at a loss, laughed

there is no antagonist

there never is.
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