worked all day.
on 3 hours of sleep.
sold really well.
i needed that.
finally left.
feeling tired.
home for about 3 hours.
ordered chinese take out.
passed out watching tv.
woke up to meet nathan.
jeremy enigk at 10.
in the shelter.
gave me chills,
at one point.
made me smile.
even giggle a few times.
shade and the black hat.
lewis hollow.
world waits.
he played everything i wanted to hear.
he is amazing.
on the complete flip side...
i spent the rest of my evening,
burying my head in techno.
preparing an arsenal for
bandwidth. and untitled.
try and end my december with a bang,
i suppose.
passed out at 5am.
didn't even go out...
i have a huge headache.
i hope i'm not getting sick.
i want brunch.
i really want mimosas.
probably not gonna happen.