I'm in total awe of it being 2011.
It's a whole new year. While sitting on the train to my friend's house party, I wrote in my mini-notebook how ironic it was that I was going to be spending the New Year with two friends that I knew in 2000, then lost contact with until 2007 and we're closer now than when we started.
The decade from 2000-2009 had to be the most insane decade of my life, now and probably forever. It was my teen years, high school dramedy, writing my days away and going to college and having my entire world turned upside down. It's hard to imagine that another entire ten years of my life is complete. The decade was off to a rough start in 2010, but I'm hopeful that this year will turn things around.
There are a lot of things that didn't turn out the way that I planned. There are lots of things I wish I could change and lots of things I wouldn't change for the world, which would be a really weird Venn diagram.
So here's to a Whole New Year of falling in love, singing in the streets during ungodly hours of the morning, laughing until my face hurts while strangers stare, writing in quiet corners, old acquaintances not forgot and all the new things that I'll look back on in 2021 and shake my head at.
Welcome to 2011!