More diverse YA

Jul 30, 2009 11:22

  1. Oyate needs our help. What is Oyate?

    Oyate is a Native organization working to see that our lives and histories are portrayed honestly, and so that all people will know our stories belong to us. For Indian children, it is as important as it has ever been for them to know who they are and what they come from. For all children, it is time to know and acknowledge the truths of history. Only then will they come to have the understanding and respect for each other that now, more than ever, will be necessary for life to continue.

    The great Lakota leader, Tatanka Iotanka-Sitting Bull-said, “Let us put our minds together and see what life we will make for our children.” The great Cuban revolutionary, José Martí, said, “We work for children because children know how to love, because children are the hope of the world.” Our work is to nurture in our children a sense of self and community. Our hope is that they will grow up healthy and whole.

    Our work includes critical evaluation of books and curricula with Indian themes, conducting of “Teaching Respect for Native Peoples” workshops and institutes; administration of a small resource center and reference library; and distribution of children’s, young adult, and teacher books and materials, with an emphasis on writing and illustration by Native people.

    Our hope is that by making many excellent books available to encourage many more, especially from Native writers and artists. Oyate, our organiztion’s name, is the Dakota word for people. It was given to us by a Dakota friend.

    Oyate has been offered a generous grant that will help them do a major website overhaul. Information on the grant is available right there on there website. Now, when popelizbet posted about how close they were to their goal I thought, "That's not that much to raise if we boost the signal loud enough." So, I'm making a small donation ($10) and I'm asking you if you're reading this to make a small donation too. $1. $5. Whatever you can afford. And if you can't afford to donate? Can you boost the signal? Post this on your blog. Email the link to friends and family. Tell a coworker that you know would be willing to help. Whatever. Just boost it until enough people hear it to close the gap. Thank you for being amazing and doing a good thing.

    Send a check to: Oyate, 2702 Mathews St., Berkeley, CA 94702

    Call in your donation to: 510-848-6700

    Fax your donation to: 510-848-4815

    Donate through Network for Good:

    Cut and pasted from doctoreon's post here.

    They need to raise the money by Saturday, August 1.
  2. sparkymonster's YA Books with People of Color and Whitewashed Covers. It's got an explanation of the current bookcover racefail, recommended reading, and a link roundup to other resources.

race/ethnicity, books

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