PICSPAM PICSPAM PICSPAM. So when an abundant amount of you saw me, either at AX or in other places, I had FIRETRUCK RED hair. And I liked the firetruck red hair, I did! But then I made the very unfortunate decision of late of dyeing it PURPLEISH. And I didn't like the purple! And that has put me off unnatural hair colours to a large extent. With that in miiiind, I have dyed it a more natural reddish brown which actually suits me a loss and looks less bottled. I like it a lot :]
PICTURES BELOW. These don't have the best light, and I made them small because I don't like seeing my mug all large on the screen, I find it upsetting because I am of late quite so pale.
I would provide witty captions but I am too lazy. ♥