It's ITPE time again! Every year as I make less and less podfic I ask myself if I'm going to sign up again but #ITPE is still so fun so here I am again!
parakapodfic on twitter, and
paraka just to keep things clear.
Now, onto
my updated letter:
Harry Potter Draco/Hermione, Harry/Draco
Hermione/Draco remains my main fandom of 2021.
I've got
a few fics bookmarked as recs with this pairing, though I doubt any of them will be good for this challenge since their word counts skew high.
senlinyu is a BP author (and one of my fave authors in the fandom) who has a wide variety of stories, many of which skew shorter if you're interested in a more practical starting place. :P
Because podfic fandom leans more towards slash, I do also do Harry/Draco. Certainly a lot of the tropes in H/D fic feels more familiar to me as someone who's spent most of their fannish life in the slash corner and there are some really great stories available. It's not the pairing I seek out on my own that often, but I'm almost always pleased after listening to H/D podfic. I do have
a few H/D stories bookmarked, the word counts are still high, though not as high as my Draco/Hermione recs.
OK, I'm not officially listing this pairing, but my first pairing in Harry Potter fandom was Harry/Snape. At the time I was of an age where I IDed most with Harry but as I've gotten older and am now at a point where I ID more with Snape, let's just say this pairing has lost a lot of its shine. That said I'd probably still enjoy a story with this pairing if you have a fave you want to record.
I'm very much an Epilogue, What Epilogue? person, and that also means I have no interest in Cursed Child canon. I'm also not very interested in the Marauders and haven't watched any of the Fantastic Beasts movies.
Stargate SG-1 Jack/Sam
IDK what to say, I've been reading more het lately? And as part of that, I'm revisiting the het pairings of older fandoms I was in? Which is how I got into Draco/Hermione, and is how Sam/Jack came back on my radar. I haven't read as extensively in this pairing and do not have
many helpful links but I've always loved the Stargate universe and feel like fandom does this pairing better than canon's poor attempt at it.
Nalini Singh Psy-Changeling or Guild Hunter Series Canon pairings, Aodhan/Illium
I love the world building, the story arcs that span multiple books, and the politics that Singh puts into her series. I haven't read much fic for these fandoms but I do revisit the source material a lot and would enjoy an expanded world.
With the Psy-Changeling series, I tend to prefer pairings where it isn't changeling/changeling and I honestly just love how ridiculous the psy can be as they learn to navigate having feels.
With the Guild Hunter series, you can't really help but ship Aodhan/Illium (and, tbh, I'm going to be upset if (when?) canon pairs them up with others) but I enjoy all the canon pairings as well.
With both these series I'd be along for the ride if the story featured OCs, but I don't think I'm comfortable with anything that /Reader.
Sense8 Kala/Wolfgang/Rajan, Kala/Wolfgang
Oh man, I'm sad that canon had to rush this to give us the ending they intended, honestly I just have so many feels about them. <333 I read some of the fic when the last ep first came out but haven't kept up with the tag since then. I'd also be down for Kala/Wolfgang, since I know there was more fic out there from S1 then from S2 last time I looked.
Terminator John/Cameron, John/Kate
I fell in love with the franchise through Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and I adore Cameron. I also have a thing for people growing into heroes so love John Connor's characterization from SCC and T3. My ships are John/Cameron and John/Kate, though this fandom is the one I read the most gen in. I also adore crossovers with Terminator. If you can find good crossovers with this and any of the other fandoms I've listed, that would totally make my day. My Terminator recs are
on my pinboard.
Merlin Merlin/Arthur
Merlin/Arthur is my main pairing, but I'm also 100% there for canon-era slice-of-life gen, or stories of how awesome a queen Gwen was, post-show. Canon-era stories tend to be my fav, however I also enjoy AUs that take place in a different time/place so long as there's still magic. I kind of feel like what's the point without magic? There are non-magical AUs that I like, but they can be more hit and miss for me. I'm drawn more to the potential of season 1 than the reality of the later seasons so I'm totally there for redeemable Morgana. I also love the Once and Future trope. I have a bunch of (mostly old) recs
on my pinboard.
Star Trek AOS (TOS) Kirk/Spock
I mostly read/listen in AOS, but I've watched some of TOS and so long as the story isn't, like, an episode tag I'm generally good following TOS stories too. Certainly I enjoy AOS stories that mix in TOS canon. I'm a Kirk girl, who loves to see him hurt (I frequent the Tarsus tag way too much), though I'm also 100000% here for competence porn from this crew. I have a
few recs on AO3 and a few
more on Pinboard.
I have also watched Star Trek Discovery and Picard as well as a smattering of Next Gen though I haven't gone looking for fic for them. That said, if you found a fic that was a crossover, I probably have enough canon knowledge to enjoy!
Things that I love (an incomplete list): Time travel, competence porn, trans characters, soulmates, world exploration, found family, pretend dating, arranged marriage (really, most harlequin-type storylines), angst, AUs, origin stories, power dynamics (including D/s and BDSM), emotional punches in the gut, characters coming into their powers/destinies, and way more than I can list here.
I don't have many no go zones but cannibalism and killing people in a sexualized way are really hard stops for me. Related to the previous point, I mostly can't deal with zombies. Detailed gore on a large scale also makes me queasy and I'm not a fan of horror.
I don't enjoy stories whose plots are driven by blatant homophobia, though stories about coming out during times where it was less safe to do so are ok. I generally don't enjoy stories where cheating on a voluntary relationship is a large part of the story (if it's, like, a forced/arranged relationship and there's cheating I'm more ok with it). Though, it's not cheating if it's consensual (an open relationship, for example).
Note: Since these are things other people usually list as no-gos; while I wouldn't necessarily say these are things I love, I don't mind unhappy endings and/or death fic. Related to my like of emotional punches in a gut, I like when a story can make me cry. I don't mind sad events or endings so long as the emotions ring true. So if you have a story that you think would work that has an unhappy ending or character death, go for it! I am well known as an angst muffin after all.