Avengers: Track This Thread, written by rageprufrock (chapter 5/?)

Mar 03, 2014 19:09

Fic: Track This Thread by
rageprufrock (text link)
Fandom: Avengers, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Pairing: Clint/Coulson
Length: 0:34:15 (chapter) / 2:45:39 (total)
Chapter 5 Link: MP3
Chapters 1-5 Links: MP3 ||| M4B

Summary: Even when Phil Coulson was doing something ridiculously, embarrassingly, crushingly human, he was still a flawless, seamless black box of a spook.

Notes: This is a WIP! The fic is being posted as a WIP and I'll be following along with the podfic.

my podfic, fandom: avengers

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