My son's birthday is Sunday - he will be 26. My daughter's next birthday she will be 28. No. 29. OH MY STARS 29? LOL. Both are doing amazing - they both have wonderful partners, and my son's gf's little sis lives with them - and she is adorable ( she is 15 and the best). All of them have jobs that are going very well - Tiff especially - and everyone is fairly healthy. Her boyfriend has a rare and as yet blood disease causing issues that apparently spawned with him and his brother (whose little girl also has it). I doubt they'll have kids. But they have a corgi! He is BRUCE! He is awesome!
Writing is going wonderfully! Actually, more like editing is going wonderfully. I am ripping apart my ms which finished at a whopping 204k words thereabouts. It is out to betas but I am charging forward on my own edits and will follow through when the others' wise words get here. I am passionately, completely, thoroughly in love with my story and world. My characters are my besties. And I miss actually writing them, SO MUCH! I keep realizing things though that I need to go back and change/punch up/delete things, but I haven't felt this confident about something I've written since writing Red, and that was 12 years ago.
It is absolutely true you can't really know what you need to do until you finish the damn first draft. I just hope NEXT one doesn't take the 3 years this one did.
Can't wait to get started on Book 2 - I have the first scene already and love it. I'm going forth with adding both Owl's and Kian's pov to Aneli's pov. I end book 1 with everyone deliciously torn apart, though not without hope. I'm starting, too, to see the evolution of how I want this storyline to go - for the first time tonight, I considered the possibility that I will write in this world the rest of my life. After this trilogy I plan to write Gwion's story - a minor, minor, very minor character in the first story (who I plan to weave in aka go back and do so). That story is actually started - I workshopped it years and years ago at Fencon. The Angry Robot editor who led the workshop loved it - even gave me the title (Blackthumb) - but I just didn't have the writing skills to do what needs to be done in this story. I. Cannot. WAIT. But first, Aneli's story must be finished. I hope to have the final draft of her first book (of 3) done by end of March, with plans to let the story marinate while I work on Book 2 - I'd like to get at least a good ways into it before the agent hunt begins. And yes, for now - that is the route I will take. In the end if it all gets self-published, I will go for it but for now, I want that experience. I believe I can do it.
You all should know I am madly in love with Geralt, the Witcher. I even BOUGHT A POSTER OF HIM. I am on the last book - final one was just translated into English and won't be out until May - and I am SO SAD. I will miss this wild, inspiring series so much (and I have yet to even play the game - but Netflix is producing a tv version of it and I am all kinds of bouncy!)
A friend sent me this and I keep it on my tv at all times when I don't actually have it on. LOOK AT HIM. OH MY STARS, WANT. LOL. Oh my that ended up kinda big... I will do a cut.
And now to go to my 2nd favorite obsession after writing (and Geralt ha ha) - SKYRIM. I am so addicted.
Also found on Dreamwidth. I'll answer here though despite the damn Russians.