Fandom Snowflake Challenge: Day One

Jan 01, 2014 22:08

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

I ran across this on pir8fancier's lj. She mentioned a couple of her Harry Potter fics and I thought omg, I wrote a couple of HP fanfics ages ago. Many many ages ago. Then I realized...I don't have any copies anymore! Anywhere! So I decided to hunt them down, and get them onto AO3 in case someday I ever want to read them again, or something.

It took a bit of hunting, but I finally found them! Fortunately both were written for fests. I can count on 2 hands the number of fanfics I've ever written (at least before the two fests I did this past year to challenge myself re writing short) - but these two I enjoyed writing very much. So here they are, saved forever now on AO3. Will get the others I found (a Torchwood fic, a Being Human fic) up on AO3 too.

Haven - a Harry/Draco fic. Draco Malfoy has been tried and convicted for his war crimes; only the question of his punishment remains.


Roots - a Neville Longbottom fic. After Gran's death, Neville uncovers a mystery surrounding his parents' past.

Both of these were written in 2007, so before all the books had come out. I recently rewatched all the Harry Potter movies and it made me miss all the HP fun (at least the little that I was involved in). I'm not currently in a fandom and rereading these have made me all nostalgic for the funtimes that being in a fandom brings.

The third fic for this challenge though is a fanfic that touched me deeply, because it was written about two men who were real life lovers, the composer Benjamin Britten and tenor Peter Pears.

Piano e forte

Both are long gone now, but they left behind letters, beautiful, touching letters of their love for each other. When I got them for Yuletide 2009, I was quickly swept up into their world and those letters - the content and the writing style - and absolutely adored bringing them to fictional life. Someday I would love to write a bigger story about them, or loosely based on them.

And hey LJ, miss you, miss all those who have left here (even though many I still have in other ways). Always think about pouring my heart out here, like I used to, but... just isn't the same anymore. Tend to keep things locked in my head these days. Hunting for these fics took me back to an old lj I had, and I hardly recognize myself in those old posts, the happy bouncy me of old. Kinda makes me sad. Have I let things change so much? Wish I could recapture those times, push aside those things that keep me from the good happy things. Anyway, looking ahead like everyone else to having a good 2014. And like lots of others, glad to put a mostly-stressful year behind me. 2013 wasn't all THAT bad though!

never enough time, britten and pears, i want a roadtrip, fandom snowflake challenge, harry potter, turning back time - i wish

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