Feb 09, 2013 11:00
I really am. I have eaten SO WELL all week but have I lost? ANYTHING? NO. I weighed this morning exactly what I did Sunday.... I tell you what this plateau I am on is ROCK SOLID. If it was ten pounds less I'd be fine. LOL!!! I know that a lot of people are into body acceptance, which I totally believe is important, but I am a stubborn sort and don't wanna just yet. I think it is absolutely true that once you hit the 50's aka post-menopause, weight is harder to get off. Mind you, for real, I've had no problems at all - no crankies, no hot flashes, nothing. Just everything...stopped. Lucky me! But yeah.
Anyway - am considering there may be other factors involved with my body's stubborn determination to keep me right here. Stress would be the big thing which I have plenty of, working as a legal assistant now. Generally, I love my job, love the often-crazy-pace, but when it doesn't let up and I leave work with so much yet to do that I feel like I should stay late (2.5 hours overtime this week) or come in on a Saturday (um, hell no?) then, well... yeah.
This week was insane. I had filings in bankruptcy court - omg, talk about nuts? the rules! the things to do! Whenever I file anything via Pacer I am always so certain I will screw up! And then I discovered we did - but - this is the thing - it was not, is not MY job to make sure we have the right things to file. Right? I am the mere typist/filer. Yet we totally screwed up the notice of hearing (totally fixable, btw) and I am CRUSHED. And of course my boss says 'don't bring out the horribilizer..." he knows me well. LOL. But yeah. Bankruptcy filings, Northern District of Texas FW filings, filings in Dallas court, the appeals court... oh and even an administrative court... all this week. There is just so much to do and dear attorneys forget, often, that there is always so much to do AFTER the filings are done. They move on but I have a lot of cleanup online and hard copy-files and such-left to do. *thunk*
I am whiney about this and yet I love it, my job is mine mine mine, I am awesome at it, my boss told me 'you saved me' - lol - yes I love that - cuz I did - cuz I am awesome.... But DAMN. STRESS!!!
So that and knee still healing and being swollen may be contributing to the problem. Not sure. Going to keep on soldiering on though with eating 1350 calories a day because well that is a good thing, right.
Bought a physical book today. Karin Slaughter, CRIMINAL. I'm getting drawn back to mystery in a big way these days....my first love, after all. I have a lot lined up for this year but I am thinking that Fall 2013 is going to see me returning to hardcore mystery. If not before, with my new writing group. Yeah. *sitting here nodding*
I hate GoodReads. Will not be back. No I will but I am going to make myself a new one with my real name to keep track of the books I read, and keep far, far, faaaaarrr away from the m/m world there. I miss the days where I was oblivious to readers and their opinions and esp. those who enjoy being vicious and mean. Seems to be a thing there these days which is sad. Oh well. I only quit writing for two days and am back at it. Never, ever seek out reviews. Ever ever ever. EVER.
I am rambling. I need to finish these sci fi edits because I want to send this in, dang it!!!
never ever,