Best Nanowrimo so far, lowest wordcount so far.... LOL

Nov 08, 2012 20:06

I'm having such a good time this year with Nano. Been to three write-ins, all with different, local aka Fort Worth people. This is the first year there have been so many writers in Fort Worth! it's usually the Mid-Cities to Dallas people who are so active but this time around for some reason there are a lot of Fort Worth people. I'm not the only one who has noted that either. Good times.

Am I writing much new material? Nope, not yet. I have two stories - a novella and a novel - that are extremely close to being ready to send in the next week for the novel, another week for the novella (which I hope to be the first of two or three). Heck the novel has a couple of possible characters for other stories, too.

Both of these are going to new publishers, one of which I've got an invite to submit to, so hopes are high for the novel. Very high. I am so excited for change!!

Here lately (as I have cried before) I've been dealing with the reality of living mostly alone (my son being busy with his own life). Most of my friends here live toward Dallas, and all my others are in other cities, states, countries... dang it, when will that transporter device be invited? Huh huh? So Nano has come along at a good time - just after the very affirming GRL2012. Am getting myself out there - three times this week!!! (shocking for me!) with plans to get out this weekend, Monday, Wednesday and then the following...doesn't matter if I don't get even 20k of new material. I'm having fun, and meeting new people is the best part.

2013 is going to be an amazing year for writing for me. So looking forward to the challenges.

Okey dokey, back to work - so very close to finishing the hard-copy edits of the novel. WHEE!! Definitely a wise choice to do that. Then it will be hard core on the novella (a sci fi) and then, then! onward!

writing, nano 2012, working

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